Latest Past Events

The Sound of IEEE

ESAT 02.58 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven

Are you interested in music and analogue  electronics? That's the event for you! We are going to build a stereo amplifier to drive a pillow speaker. Pillow speakers are exactly

eFab Launch Event – E-SCRIBBLE

ESAT 02.58 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven

We have reached our maximum capacity for this event. Due to the overwhelming success we organize a second session on Thursdays:

eFab Launch Event – E-SCRIBBLE Thursday Sessions

ESAT 02.58 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven

Due to the success of the first eFab Launch Event, we are organizing a second session on Thursdays! Unfortunately this session is also fully booked, register below for the waiting