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SSCS Distinguished Lecture: Design of Fully Integrated Charge Pumps by Tim Piessens

June 13, 2024 @ 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM



The IEEE SSCS Student Branch Leuven cordially invite you to:

Distinguished Lecture: Design of Fully Integrated Charge Pumps by Tim Piessens


In this lecture we will discuss the basics of charge pump design. Starting with the fundamental observation that half of the energy is lost when charging a capacitor, the principle of quasi-static charging is explained. From these charge balancing laws, the basic model of a charge pump can be derived together with the slow switching limit and fast switching limit. This on its turn leads to the PFM control loop to regulate the output power. All this is illustrated with several examples like a Dickson Charge Pump, a series-parallel converter, the Fibonacci converter, … and more advanced techniques like multi-phase are touched. In the second part, a real life design plan is shown where starting from the specifications a topology is developed and simulated.



Date: Thursday, 13/06

Time: 17:00, ESAT Aula C (Reception with food afterwards for all registrants! Incl. vegetarian option.)


Registration for this event is closed



June 13, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM


ESAT, Auditorium C
Kasteelpark Areneberg 10
Heverlee, 3000 Belgium
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