Latest Past Events
SSCS Distinguished Lecture: Design of Fully Integrated Charge Pumps by Tim Piessens
ESAT, Auditorium C Kasteelpark Areneberg 10, HeverleeThe IEEE SSCS Student Branch Leuven cordially invite you to: Distinguished Lecture: Design of Fully Integrated Charge Pumps by Tim Piessens Abstract: In this lecture we will discuss the basics of charge pump design. Starting with the fundamental observation that half of the energy is lost when charging a capacitor, the principle of
Distinguished Lecture: Dr. Kumar Vijay Mishra
ESAT, Auditorium R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, HeverleeThe IEEE AP-MTT-COM chapter invites you to a distinguished lecture by Dr. Kumar Vijay Mishra on the topic of Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications.
WIE panel discussion 2024
ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, LeuvenAre you curious about the engineering journeys of women in a field which has a quite low representation? Join us for an engaging panel discussion on May 15th at 6:15 PM at Aula R, ESAT (Kasteelpark Arenberg), KU Leuven.Do you have any questions for our speakers? Feel free to share them in the registration form