IEEE Jobfair 2024
Den Dreef Stadium (OHL) Kardinaal Mercierlaan 46, Heverlee, BelgiumThe IEEE Student Branch Leuven invites you to her 19th job fair for high-tech companies and spin-offs. Different companies in the energy, electronics, mechatronics, software development and multimedia sectors are …
Webinar: Open-source frequency-domain analysis toolbox for EMT models
This webinar showcases the functionalities of the Z-tool, a Python implementation for the small-signal stability analysis of power systems in the Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) software PSCAD. Unlike built-in routines in …
From thesis to entrepreneurship – challenges, opportunities, and tips
ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, BelgiumDuring this event we will navigate the journey from the academic thesis to entrepreneurship – challenges, opportunities, and tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. A panel discussion between several graduate entrepreneurs, with …
Distinguished Lecture: Prof. Qiaowei Yuan
ESAT, Auditorium C Kasteelpark Areneberg 10, Heverlee, BelgiumThe IEEE AP-MTT-COM chapter invites you to a distinguished lecture by Prof. Qiaowei Yuan on the topic of Universal Calculation Method for MIMO-WPT Efficiency This is a hybrid event. During …
BSc Lunch Lecture 1: Electronics in space and the human body
ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, BelgiumRegistreer je in het onderstaande formulier (Opgelet dit evenement is enkel voor studenten van de 1e bachelor ingenieurswetenschappen / only for students from the 1st bachelor engineering science) :