Mini-Symposium on Energy Systems

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

The IEEE Benelux chapter PELS/IAS/PES organizes a mini-symposium with two experts on energy systems! Ths event comprises two lectures about integrated energy systems: 1) Flexibility, Reliability and Resilience in Integrated Energy Systems by prof. Pierluigi Mancarella (university of Melbourne, Australia) The aim of this IEEE Power and Energy Society Distinguished Lecture is to discuss the

Power Symposium 2020

ESAT Aula C Kasteelpark Arenberg, 10, Heverlee, Belgium

16th IEEE Student Branch Power Symposium : Application of Optimization Tools to Present Day Power Systems Speakers: Hakan Ergun, General Introduction on Power System Optimization Kenneth Bruninx, The Role of Optimization Problems in Energy Systems & Markets: Concepts & Applications Florin Capitanescu, Applications in Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Jordy Verboomen, Optimization-based Power System Planning


IEEE: Boosting Your Research, Career, and Network


Join Paul Henriques, Client Services Manager for the IEEE, in this one-hour session on October 20, 2020 at 14:00 CET reviewing the role of IEEE in an engineer’s education and career. Paul will highlight search tips for the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, career and networking resources for students, and tools available to IEEE authors, including

IEEE Jobfair 2020


It is that time of the year again! The IEEE Jobfair is coming to town! This year, we are moving our annual Job Fair online. What does that mean? - You can register through this link If you register, companies will have all your information and furthermore you can win a drone! - Participation

16th Power Symposium – Application of Optimization Tools to Present Day Power Systems

Wednesday, April 28th 2021, on Zoom. Program: 09h30 Welcome 09h35 General Introduction on Power System Optimization            Hakan Ergun, KU Leuven EnergyVille  10h00 The Role of Optimization Problems in Energy Systems & Markets: Concepts & Applications            Kenneth Bruninx, KU Leuven EnergyVille  10h25 Academia v/s Real-World in Optimizing Power SystemOperation: the case of SCOPF             Florin Capitanescu, LIST