Coffee and cookies

Main entrance ESAT Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium

To start off the first semester of the new academic year, the IEEE Student Branch Leuven invites you for hot coffee and fresh cookies at 10:00 am in the entrance hall of the old ESAT building!

Learning from History-By Willy Sansen

ESAT, Auditorium R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

The MICAS group has been known for a long tradition in the design of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Their members have been able to bring novelty in many different applications such as communication systems, sensor interfaces and biomedical applications. Experimental evidence has always been added which has lead to the highest international technical achievements.

The Sound of IEEE

ESAT 02.58 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium

Are you interested in music and analogue  electronics? That's the event for you! We are going to build a stereo amplifier to drive a pillow speaker. Pillow speakers are exactly the crazy thing you have in mind at the moment: speakers you insert in your pillow to listen to something in bed. The price is

IEEE Jobfair 2019

Bibliotheek 2Bergen Campus Arenberg Willem de Croylaan 6, Heverlee, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium

The IEEE Student Branch Leuven invites you to her 14th job fair for high-tech companies and spin-offs. Different companies in the energy, electronics, mechatronics, software development and multimedia sectors are looking for masters, bachelors and PhD's for their jobs and internships. Register here, come to the job fair and win a high-tech gadget! ************ Agenda:

Mini-Symposium on Energy Systems

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

The IEEE Benelux chapter PELS/IAS/PES organizes a mini-symposium with two experts on energy systems! Ths event comprises two lectures about integrated energy systems: 1) Flexibility, Reliability and Resilience in Integrated Energy Systems by prof. Pierluigi Mancarella (university of Melbourne, Australia) The aim of this IEEE Power and Energy Society Distinguished Lecture is to discuss the