From thesis to entrepreneurship – challenges, opportunities, and tips

ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

During this event we will navigate the journey from the academic thesis to entrepreneurship – challenges, opportunities, and tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. A panel discussion between several graduate entrepreneurs, with the collaboration of KU Leuven Research & Development will allow you to ask all the questions and learn from these experienced entrepreneurs! Lastly, we will

High Voltage Cable Technology Symposium

ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

Join us for an exciting symposium on High Voltage Cable Technology, where we will explore the cutting-edge solutions driving the future of energy transmission. As renewable energy is increasingly generated in remote locations, e.g. offshore, cable-based transmission systems are becoming the preferred alternative to traditional overhead lines. However, this shift brings a host of technical

WIE panel discussion 2024

ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

Are you curious about the engineering journeys of women in a field which has a quite low representation? Join us for an engaging panel discussion on May 15th at 6:15 PM at Aula R, ESAT (Kasteelpark Arenberg), KU Leuven.Do you have any questions for our speakers? Feel free to share them in the registration form

~100 years of experience in the energy sector talk about the future

ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

The format of the event involves both emeritus professors discussing their ideas on a set of topics relevant to the future of society. The questions are collected from PhD students and Master students from KU Leuven. Follow this link to register! Tentative schedule: 17.30 – 18.00:  Reception before the event 18.00 – 18.10:  Presentation IEEE SB

Future of Networks: Unified Networking Experience – Prof. Peter Vetter

ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

The IEEE AP-COM-MTT Chapter invites you to the third and final chapter of the series of lectures on Future of Networks, given by Peter Vetter, President of Bell Labs Core Research at Nokia and honorary Professor at the KU Leuven. The lecture will be held on April 26th during lunchtime. All registered attendees will receive