AI in Power Systems Symposium

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

Our first AI in Power Systems Symposium brings together leading experts, innovators, and researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence and power systems. This symposium aims to explore the latest advancements, applications, and challenges at the intersection of AI and power system engineering. The event will end with a reception where you can informally talk

Decarbonizing Our Society: Innovative Solutions

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

A dynamic event on innovative decarbonization solutions! Join us at "Decarbonizing our Society: Innovative Solutions," organized by IEEE Student Branch Leuven Women in Engineering and PES Chapter. This event marks the launch of our IEEE SB Leuven Women in Engineering activities, emphasizing gender diversity in sustainability. Explore innovative solutions across sectors like carbon neutrality, green

18th Power Symposium: Offshore Grids and future developments in the North Sea

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

The 18th edition of the IEEE Student Branch Leuven - PES Chapter, Power Symposium will explore Offshore grids and their future developments in the North Sea. The power symposium aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and industry professionals to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the North Sea offshore grid. More information and registration by following this

Learning Distribution Grid Topologies

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

Abstract: Unveiling feeder topologies from data is of paramount importance to advance situational awareness and proper utilization of smart resources in power distribution grids. This tutorial summarizes, contrasts, and establishes useful links between recent works on topology identification and detection schemes that have been proposed for power distribution grids.% under different regimes of measurement type,


Mini-Symposium on Energy Systems

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

The IEEE Benelux chapter PELS/IAS/PES organizes a mini-symposium with two experts on energy systems! Ths event comprises two lectures about integrated energy systems: 1) Flexibility, Reliability and Resilience in Integrated Energy Systems by prof. Pierluigi Mancarella (university of Melbourne, Australia) The aim of this IEEE Power and Energy Society Distinguished Lecture is to discuss the