Jobfair 2020: Sweepatic

Location: Kapeldreef 60, 3001 Leuven, Belgium


1. About us

Sweepatic is a young innovative cybersecurity company operating on a global scale, making our customers cyber resilient. Our innovative cloud platform maps, monitors and manages attack surfaces (all internet-facing assets observable from the outside) across the world producing high impact insights and easy-to remediate findings.

Sweepatic is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium and is backed by eCapital, PMV and Cylon.

2. Links

3. About the product

Attackers observe organisations persistently and collect large amounts of information to fuel the planning of a malicious attack. Organisations need an up-to-date, real-live view on their dynamic and complex online footprint. The Sweepatic Platform helps organizations avoid cyberattacks and improve their cyber resilience, while saving them time and money:

  • By running the latest and most refined reconnaissance techniques in a non-intrusive mode, it builds an extensive, real-live inventory of your attack surface and its exposure.
  • By applying artificial intelligence on all internet-facing assets discovered, it brings situational awareness on the most likely attack paths.
  • It is consulted through a secure portal access allowing to render insights and search in an intuitive and structured way.

4. Recent press coverage / Vlaio: Leuvense scale-up Sweepatic “one of the 50 Smartest Companies of 2020”

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO): Sweepatic included in the ECSO Cybersecurity Market Radar

Silicon Review (US): Prevent further cyber threats with Sweepatic’s automated attack surface management platform

Actively looking for:

Contact: send your application or questions to