Offshore grids
18th Power Symposium: Offshore Grids and future developments in the North Sea
ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, BelgiumThe 18th edition of the IEEE Student Branch Leuven - PES Chapter, Power Symposium will explore Offshore grids and their future developments in the North Sea. The power symposium aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and industry professionals to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the North Sea offshore grid. More information and registration by following this …
High Voltage Cable Technology Symposium
ESAT Aula R Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, BelgiumJoin us for an exciting symposium on High Voltage Cable Technology, where we will explore the cutting-edge solutions driving the future of energy transmission. As renewable energy is increasingly generated in remote locations, e.g. offshore, cable-based transmission systems are becoming the preferred alternative to traditional overhead lines. However, this shift brings a host of technical …