Past, Present, and Future of Biomedical Radar Sensors (DML talk by Prof. Changzhi Li)

Irish College Janseniusstraat 1, Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

IEEE Benelux AP/MTT Chapter and IEEE AP/COM/MTT Student Branch Chapter invite you to a talk presented by Distinguished Lecturer professor Changzhi Li from Texas Tech University on "Past, Present, and Future of Biomedical Radar Sensors". The event will be in-person or online. For in-person attendance, please register by September 1, 2023.   Registration is free but

Workshop: Optimal Power Flow (OPF) in Julia

ELEC 01.57 ESAT, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Leuven, Belgium

Learn how to formulate and solve hands-on practice the most utilized power systems calculation using the versatile Julia language. Limited capacity, registration is required via vTools.

Decarbonizing Our Society: Innovative Solutions

ESAT, Auditorium R, 00.54 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, Heverlee, Belgium

A dynamic event on innovative decarbonization solutions! Join us at "Decarbonizing our Society: Innovative Solutions," organized by IEEE Student Branch Leuven Women in Engineering and PES Chapter. This event marks the launch of our IEEE SB Leuven Women in Engineering activities, emphasizing gender diversity in sustainability. Explore innovative solutions across sectors like carbon neutrality, green

DLP Federico Milano: A Geometric Interpretation of the Instantaneous Frequency

ESAT B91.200 kasteelpark arenberg 10, Belgium

Join this opportunity to hear the expert's voice on instantaneous frequency interpretation. Register here. The lecture presents a general framework to interpret the concept of Instantaneous Frequency (IF) in three-phase systems. In the first part, the conventional frequency-domain analysis based on the Fourier transform as well as the definition of IF, which is based on